Mango Tree
When asked by "my family", really just my oldest sister and my mum, what I would like from Santa I told them fruit tree. Today I got to select a fruit tree. There was a paucity out varieties on offer as per our society's lack of diversity.... but I did select a Bowen variety mango. Bowen in north Queensland Is pretty much the home of mangoes in Australia and this variety had been bred as a mainstay of the commercial farms. I'm sure they don't buy stock for $37 a pop, but there you go. Add I popped my new baby into my daughter's fuel efficient buzz-box car, a got a little warm and fuzzy! There are few thing that make me W&F of late, so it got me by surprise. Bowen the Mango & Sam. the Omnivorous Layers of cynicism melted away as I gazed assert this beautiful life form. As I cast forward mind forward to it's lush canopy over growing the verandah and perhaps at Christmas displaying sweet juicy fruit with crimso