
Showing posts from October, 2021

Pardalotes Nest

A persistent pecking noise from the back of the fireplace had me scratching my head.  Each time I checked from the outside though,  I'd see a Pardalote fly away.  Well,  riddle solved.   A pair of Pardys are raising young in the wall cavity where a hole for plumbing hot water had been left. So happy about that! It explains the many close encounters I've been having. 

Downsizing Motoring Life

 It's been a while now that the "dream" of downsizing to a motorcycle had been in the back of my mind.   The reasons for doing this are:- Global warming.  Current vehicle takes to much time towns $'s to maintain. Simplify my life towards more cycling and gardening and spending less on a car.   Aligning my lifestyle with my heartsong - as above.  Fun.   To use as a cheap recce vehicle for bikepacking trips.  There are negatives,  the main one being that I won't have a work ute for transporting my gardening gear.  But my son, Sergio mostly works with me,  is being gifted a car,  and i can use my daughter's little buzz  box car.  I guess I'm being a bit un-smart, but for me Global Warming dictates change.  So I've been looking at large motorcycles with capabilities android storing equipment and off road riding.   OPTION 1: BMW650 "Dakar" is s 2001, has  on it and lists at $5k. A super model owned by an enthusiast. (Newy) OPTION 2: BMW650GS "

Ride to Blow the Cobwebs Out

 Today i felt compelled to ride. I'd been juggling work to create a window to grey out and it felt liberating to take time for myself.  Add it was a joy ride more than anything,  my bike today had to bed Cliffy the fatbike. Out of curiosity I took the SPD pedals off Jamis,  filed a www s tee bottle with lemon juice,  sugar and water,  phone for podcast listening, loaded Strava and got going.   Aoproaching Butterwick Road there were gravel trucks, but for the length of the ride I was passed by zero trucks and only two cars right by the end of the road.  The weather was overcast and very mild, with little wind.  Perfect day really  At the Coffee Cubby, my turn around mark I noted a 17kph average.  That's not bad considering B Rd has a few rolling hills.  The SPDs can take some credit.  I grabbed a coffee and lounged in the shade off a massive ancient dig tree.  The roots had major ribbing (I can't remember the proper name for it), and I was able to use them as rabble and chai

Bee Keeping Awakenings

 It it's difficult to go forwards after a Big Win, cycling 500k in a month floor the first time ever.  I'm in a state of turmoil now. Being a gnome gardener and awakening beekeeper in Spring is hectic enough.  I listened to those that spoke highly of the beekeeping system honed for profit. Who would think it's A Good Thing to limit the free movement of the Most Royal Queen? And yet,  this is what many people do, to the detriment of the happiness of their Bee Colonies.  I could show them the dried carcasses of One Hundred Drones r trapped into the bars of their gaol cell. If they were not Bees, but people,  there would be public hysteria, then outrage. But it's only Bees, and People don't care.  It drives me to despair to know that The Keepers of Bees are aware and continue to install Queen Excluders.  Again,  we wander through life following what we are told only to discover that it's is essentially cruelty driven by human profit.  Then I reflect and wonder why

Wet weather ride

 Well,  it had been almost two weeks since I got out for a ride.  Honestly,  I was pretty biked out after my 500k for the month challenge. Probably the 120k in the final two days didn't help.  But,  i got over that and have been waiting for a break in the weather,  and work,  so I could head out again. And,  today was the day.  It was overcast middle day over a rainy stretch of days and as I headed out it was overcast, but not quite raining.  Today I rode my Jamis touring bike,  one pannier on and a bar bag with snacks and my phone. I had the phone on listening to the "Sports Adventure Podcast" and I thought I had Strava on,  but I hadn't.   I just really felt the need to have a hit out to expend some frustration energy that builds up when you can't ride for a while.  I had a weather eye out and gads a down jacket just in case things got too crazy in the weather department.  The short route was an18k, while the longer was thirty something.  Both had opportunities